Monday, November 16, 2015


Hey so I kinda got distracted emailing Tyler and the fam so I hope you'll forgive a shorter letter.

This week was a really good one!!

We went on splits three times (I was with a different member every time!) this week! There is an area in our area called Santa Emilia. It is about a 10 minute bus ride(or 2 and a half hour walk... we take the bus.) from the rest of our area and I spent a lot of time there this
week! Lots of potential there, but we can't just work there so my comp stayed in the center while I went to Santa Emilia. It was really great.

Lastimamente Ricardo wasn't quite ready to be baptized this week. He smoked Thursday, and so we couldn`t baptize him Saturday. He has a really strong testimony and a desire to change so I know he'll be baptized real soon!

I had a really reflective week. Wednesday morning I had a quick 2 minute party in which I ate an Oreo and took a picture to celebrate Tyler getting home this week.  I thought a lot though about how different I`m going to be when I get home, and how different I already
am, and how much exactly the same I am. I dunno if I exactly came to a realization of anything, but I just reflected a lot. I am so grateful for Tyler`s example. I want to finish my mission like he did. Giving everything that I have and am to the Lord so that when I finish
I can be proud of who I have become.

 I have a really strong testimony that Jesus Christ is the Lord and Savior of the Earth. There is no doubt in my mind that He lives and that He directs His church here on the earth through living prophets and apostles. I know that He answers my prayers. I know that He answers yours. I know that immediately after the storm the peace and strength He sends can heal us to the core. I know that His Atonement can do all things. I know that through Him I can be saved from my sins to an everlasting state of strength and Love. I know that The Book of Mormon is the word of God. I know as sure as I am here in El Salvador that the prophets in the Book of Mormon lived, and that they testified many centuries before the coming of Christ that He is Lord. I know that Joseph Smith was called of God to restore the fullness of the truth to the Earth, and that he was given power and authority from God to lead the church. I know that that power and authority, which came
from Jesus Christ through His Apostles, has been transferred down through the years to us today. I know that Thomas S. Monson holds that same power, and that with it he receives revelation from Christ to direct us here on the Earth. I know that my family is forever. I know that if we hold faithful to the end I will live with them for all time and all eternity with my Father and my Savior. I know all these things through the power of the Holy Ghost, and I bear them to you with all my heart and soul. I know that the Holy Ghost will tell you the same if you ask God the Eternal Father in the name of Christ. I know He
will help all of us live according to what we know. All these things I bear to you, knowing that they are true, as a servant of Jesus Christ, whom I have been called to represent here in Las Delicias, Sonsonate, El Salvador. In His sacred name, amen.

Love you all

Elder David O. McFarland

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