Monday, October 26, 2015

Three French Hens

I turned three months old this week.
time flies like a really fast thing flying.
I'm bad at similes and poems.

Here in El Salvador we do things a little differently than America:

First: of all, we don`t speak English, we speak Spanish. 

Second: we eat pupusas, and we sell pupusas
Third: we all have little stores in our house or a pupusaria
fourth: we all go to a church, but we choose which one fits our schedule the most.
Fifth: fourth is easy because there are more churches than pupuserias
Sixth: I'm done with this list so ya.
Seventh: I lied about sixth.

As missionaries we really appreciate the lots of pupusas thing, but the lots of churches thing makes it really fun.

I love being a missionary.

This week we worked really hard. We are getting ready to help Ricardo be baptized this week, but his dad Obidio is going to wait a little longer. It's ok he'll be ready soon.

Does this letter seem disorganized? I`m really sorry about that, I`ll try to collect my thoughts a little better. Friday I went on exchanges with Elder Ford my zone leader. He is a really good missionary, and a real quality guy. he only has 3 weeks
left in his mission, but he`s on fire; working really hard  to finish with a bang. I look up to him a lot.

I'm learning a lot about patience here.


It's a concept that is really almost impossible to learn. by the time you've got it, you don't need it anymore, but when you need it again, you don't need it.

I love what Preach my Gospel says about Patience. Go read the section in chapter 6 of PMG that talks about it.

Patience is more than just waiting.

I'm sorry this email was kinda mixed up, but it's kinda been a mixed up week. Just remember three things

1. I love you
2. God loves you.
3. You are important to Him, and to me.

This week we were talking to a less active member that is going through some really tough times. he kept saying "I can't, I can't." and it was heartbreaking to see that he actually believed it. He had no hope in his life. I promised him, as I promise you, that Jesus Christ loves you, and through his love and eternal grace: YOU CAN. You can overcome the garbage that life throws at you. Start telling yourself you can, even if you don`t believe it yet. Say it one thousand times
if you need to. "I CAN." Jesus Christ will help you, you CAN do it. I promise. There is always hope.

I love you, and I want you to be happy. Just do the things you know you should, and we  can all be happy through Jesus Christ.

Have an amazing week!

Elder McFarland

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